The Critical Role of PPAP in Aerospace Machining


When it comes to space and aerospace machining, there is no margin for error, and the demand for rigorous quality assurance is high. That’s why so many contract manufacturers that offer CNC machining services to the aerospace and space industries use the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP). 

Let’s dive into what PPAP is, how Ricaurte Precision, an experienced California precision machining company, has honed its approach to this framework, and what aerospace companies stand to gain from partnering with RPI on their PPAP-driven projects. 

What Is PPAP?

First developed by the automotive industry, PPAP has become a benchmark for ensuring manufacturing quality in a range of sectors. This standardized, customer-driven framework helps manufacturers identify component and system issues early on and is commonplace in high-liability industries where quality standards are paramount. 

In short, companies use PPAP to validate suppliers’ manufacturing processes and to confirm consistency in quality results.  

What Makes RPI’s Approach to PPAP Unique?

Unlike many precision machining companies, RPI has years of experience working with companies requiring PPAPs. As a result, we are proficient in executing PPAPs using the latest technologies, which has allowed us to collaborate seamlessly with many high-profile customers.

Our customers are regularly impressed with RPI’s unique approach to performing PPAP. Above all, we leverage digital technologies to constantly improve our PPAP reporting, analytics, and execution. 

Digital reporting and analytics: By using the most advanced digital tools on the market for non-performance management and PPAP documentation, RPI offers customers best-in-class traceability and risk management.

Continuous improvement of PPAP processes: RPI seeks to continuously adapt to the latest software features and improvements that promise heightened PPAP efficiency, consistency, and ultimately quality. We also rely on customer feedback from the PPAP framework to refine our processes over time.

Why Partner with RPI for PPAP-Driven Aerospace Machining? 

RPI’s approach to PPAP benefits aerospace and space companies by streamlining production processes and ensuring quality. More specifically, we’re well-versed in using the 18-element PPAP framework to boost production consistency, risk mitigation, compliance, traceability, and communication and collaboration.


Any supplier of CNC machining services should be able to repeatedly produce complex components to exacting specifications. RPI does just that by using PPAP’s standardized processes and controls to promote quality. 

Risk mitigation

PPAP’s established processes require that suppliers consistently document and provide samples of their parts. RPI knows that this added layer of transparency offers a proactive approach to risk management by permitting us to work closely with our customers to spot defects and non-conformities. By mitigating risk in this way, RPI reduces the risk of component failure during critical space and aerospace missions.  


When space and aerospace machining suppliers adhere to the PPAP framework, customers can rest assured knowing they are complying with regulatory standards. In addition to using PPAP to promote production safety and reliability, RPI knows exactly how to generate the PPAP documentation that will serve your company during aerospace, space, and other industry audits. 


PPAP documentation also increases the traceability of aerospace machining insofar as it features detailed information about materials used and other crucial aspects of the manufacturing process. By allowing our customers to track each component’s origin and production history, RPI’s approach to PPAP boosts traceability while shoring up quality control.

Communication and collaboration

RPI’s team understands how to employ PPAP as an efficient channel for communicating with our space and aerospace customers. By collaborating on PPAP adherence and documentation, we work together to develop a holistic understanding of each component’s specifications, production requirements, and, later, any adjustments that may be necessary.

This streamlined communication fosters trust by providing all parties with clear points of reference for the production process. In fact, it’s one of the many reasons we enjoy working on PPAP-driven projects: each gives us the opportunity to demonstrate our ability to machine aerospace and space components to our customers’ detailed specifications.  

RPI Pairs PPAP Know-How with Industry Expertise

At RPI, we know why demanding industries such as space, aerospace, defense, and healthcare maintain such high quality-control standards. 

Thanks to our team’s expertise in these markets, we are capable of effectively implementing PPAP processes into any project—something that many precision machining companies simply cannot promise. 

Our customer-first approach to PPAP and precision machining means your components will be machined to your exact specifications every time. That way, you’ll be assured of their quality from the moment they leave our facilities—and, in some cases, the atmosphere.  

Ready to collaborate on your next space project? Request a quote today.